In2 Health is another website that we manage that offers high quality alternative medicine services, aimed at optimizing health and maintaining it through a series of services and activities: acupuncture, Chinese herbs, osteopathy, physiotherapy, reflexology, massage and Tai Chi & Yoga classes. We also have a YouTube Channel, In2 Health, where we publish online Yoga Classes, Exercises for Injuries & Rehabilitation, Cooking Recipes and Chinese Medicine Tips for Home.
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At In2 Health we have developed a range of services aimed at helping each person to change their lifestyle andto encourage health & well being by facilitating this change on a physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual level.
The treatments are focused to identify imbalances in the body and then allow it to return to a state of balance and health.
We provide a tiered price list, to allow everybody to access these services, so we have a full price, a part-time worker/ low income price and a concessionary/OAP/ Student price.
We also believe in a pro-active approach where people are empowered to take charge of their health and encouraged to make changes, providing dietary advice as well as postural assessments and exercises, to prevent illness and injuries. Our Monthly Newsletter provides up-to-date research and information on various topics and illnesses and how to best treat them.
The Events & Classes Page provides the venues for our Yoga and Tai Chi Classes. We also provide a link to our YouTube Channel, In2 Health,where you can access Classes, Rehabilitation Exercises, Cooking Recipes & Chinese Medicine Tips.
At In2 Health we use qualified practitioners who will initially help you towards improving your health and can then advice on how to maintain it.
We have also developed a range of beauty products that are totally natural and hypoallergenic and a range of creams aiming at clearing skin conditions such as acne, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and many more.